Wednesday, March 4, 2015

8 Months Old

       Evan was 8 months old at the end of February.   He is a busy boy even though he is not mobile yet.  With his superb hearing he is always turning to look at where that noise came from. 

          At this point every toy he picks up goes directly into his mouth.  His third tooth, all bottom, appeared this month and we have been waiting for it's matching partner.  No luck so far.

      This picture is deceiving.  You might think Evan enjoys tummy time and is working on his preliminary crawling skills....but look closely that belly and bottom are planted firmly on the ground.
     As soon as he is on his tummy he reaches for a toy, gets it in his hands, and rolls to his back.  He might even roll from back to belly to back again in order to reach a toy. 

     Baby jibber jabber is one of his many favorite things.  A-da-da-da, on and on it goes.  He just started getting louder as he jabbers if he thinks you aren't listening. 

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