Tuesday, March 31, 2015

9 months old

      Three quarters of a year already, it's hard to believe.  It's getting harder to take Evan's picture because he would much rather play and explore than look at the camera.
        Prime example....the slate. Here Mom, let me help you out.  I can smear this chalk everywhere.  You didn't really want it anyway. Right?
     Oh look, no socks!  How about I play this little piggy went to the market.
     Either way, I was able to capture some adorable shots of our growing boy. 
        No crawling yet.  If you leave him on his blanket with all his toys, you just might come back to a baby across the room.  He is a rolling machine.
        Here you can see the three bottom teeth Evan is sporting these days.
       If you look closely, you might catch the three top teeth.  That's right, Evan is a teeth making machine!
      He also loves to read.  The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a new favorite.  Primarily because he can stick his fingers into the caterpillar holes.  It doesn't hurt that the pages are easy to turn, too.
      His favorite time to listen to a story is right before nap time.  It calms him down and gets him ready for a nice long nap....if we are lucky.
        We are beginning those reading habits early so hopefully they continue all through his life. 

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