Monday, March 30, 2015

Cloth Diapers

   When people first hear that I am using cloth diapers, I always get a look.  Really?  You must be crazy, I mean think of all the time it must take.  Then you have to mess with using those pins and plastic covers, but worst of all....gross that mess.         Those statements might have been more true in our parents generation when cloth diapers required a lot of effort.  Now there are all kinds of brands with all sorts of different styles.  I first got acquainted with them when my aunt used them with her daughter five years ago.  I remember looking at them and thinking, Wow, that looks so easy.  Plus, they were absolutely adorable on her. 
         Then when we had our bundle of joy, she offered to let us use them.  We love them.  You never have that smelly diaper lingering around.  There are less blow outs because the adjustable elastic allows you to get a good fit around the legs and back.  Evan doesn't really get diaper rash because the new design wicks away the moisture to keep his bottom dry.  Plus it is a one time expense.  You buy a stash and it will last. 
        I have heard up to seven years, which I can believe because my cousin is now 5 and hers are still in great shape.  This is one of hers and it still looks great.  All the snaps work and the elastic is good.

     How does it work you might ask??  Well let me tell you.  The brand I like is FuzziBunz.  Doesn't that just sound cool.  The brand is called a pocket diaper with an elastic waist and more around the legs.  First you have to size the diaper for your baby's size.   I have two different models of FuzziBunz.  Since my aunt is pregnant we will be giving back those and we invested in some of our own. 
     (This one has already been through one baby and 9 months of Evan.  Look no stains.)  Anyway you can see around the leg there is elastic that you slide over a button.  We are currently on the 2nd hole.
      The newer style hides the elastic on the inside, which I do like better.  Plus I'm thinking some people complained of their baby growing out of it because the elastic is slightly longer and the diaper is a little bigger.  So for reference before we purchased our own stash, I did check using my chunky two year old nephew to see if it would fit him.  It did!
    The waist band elastic works in the same fashion. 
      Then you stuff  the pocket with an insert.  For daytime I use one insert and for bedtime I use two.  If he needs it I could even use three inserts at night.
  The diaper comes with two sizes a small and large.  When you are first using them a small is all you need.  Especially since you get up every couple of hours to feed a baby anyway. 
        I do both of these things after they are clean then they are ready and waiting for the next diaper change.  Granted you only have to resize them when your baby out grows the current size.
        Well, I guess nap time is over.  More to come on this later.

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