Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Oink, Oink

         We started a new adventure on Saturday.  Pig farmers.  Now granted both my husband and I grew up on farms with pigs, so it's not really that new to us.
        This day in age it is hard for the small (non-hog confinement) farmer to make a profit.  For us that means we dabble in the organic market.  Basically, we will be not be giving our pigs antibiotics. Everything else is similar to how we raised pigs as kids.      
      Last week my husband rounded up a couple old hog feeders, fixed up their pen, and threw some straw down for the bedding. 
      For now our 49 pigs are running around rooting in the grass, making mud, eating their feed or any table scraps they can find like orange peels.  We will see how this group does and hopefully get more next time.
        *Update: my husband has a favorite, Arnold.  Arnold follows him around and lets him scratch his head.

1 comment:

  1. Will you have piglets? I think a day on the farm would be fun for Henry. ☺
