Tuesday, February 3, 2015

7 months old

       Our chunky monkey is seven months old.  He is growing up way too fast!
      As you can see Evan got his first tooth a couple weeks ago and his second bottom tooth is ready to break through. 
      These days he is sitting pretty, although, you have to be right there.  Sometimes he will suddenly dive forward.  Then when he lands you would think the world is ending. 
       Who me?  No, it wasn't me who kept you up last night.
      Oh look, here is that foot again.  Let's see can I fit it in my mouth?  
      With the angle of this picture it makes Evan's face look slimmer and identical to his dad.
       This has to be one of my favorites.  Look at all those adorable baby rolls. 
        In slow motion now....timber.
     Changing my diaper is getting trickier.  I love to play with my feet and roll around.   Soon I'll be saying catch me if you can. 

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