Thursday, June 4, 2015

11 months old

        Eleven months old and he is on the move.  Within the last week Evan has learned to crawl from room to room following you.  Life will never be the same!
       His older cousins came over to play the other day so we got the toy tractors out.  After they left Evan was driving them back and forth himself.  He will entertain himself for a while now and it doesn't have to be a toy either. Dresser handles, pots and pans, remotes, and attempts to get the computer or cell phones seem to be some of his favorites. 
       Evan will wave bye, bye occasionally and have never ending conversations that only he can understand. 
       He has eight teeth already and starting to steal food off your plate. 
     In addition to crawling, he is pulling himself up on things and cruising along when he gets a grasp of your hands.  When put in the walker, he runs toward you and gets your toes every time.  Hard to believe one more month and our baby is a year old. Where did the time go?
    Puppy outtakes. 
Copper walked right off the bale and then wondered what happened.

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