Monday, January 5, 2015

Six Months Old

        On December 30, Evan turned six months old.  Our bright-eyed baby boy has brought so much love and light into our home.  We cannot imagine our lives without you. 
       Your smile can light up a room on these long, cold winter nights. 
     You might be wondering what Evan is up to these days.  Well, he is still on the verge of rolling over.  He can literally get with in a millimeter of rolling to his stomach.  I think he knows it and absolutely refuses to be on his stomach.  
         If we set you up, you will sit up for a little bit before loosing your balance.  While sitting up you like to grab for toys in front of you.  When nothing is in front of you, you will play with your toes.
       Over the past month Evan continues to enjoy his cereal.  We held off on introducing more foods since he is at a very healthy weight.  Meanwhile if Evan is sitting on your lap while you eat, he watches every bite you take.  Looking at you like...when is that coming my way?         
        Evan loves to play peek-a-boo with you.  Daddy will toss a burp cloth over Evan's face, Evan will pull it down or push his head up until he can see you. Then he will bust up laughing when he spots you.  Now Evan will take his burp cloth on his own cover his face and uncover it quickly as if playing peek-a-boo by himself. 
         Evan enjoys story time.  He likes looking at the pictures and listening to the sound effects you make.  Sometimes he is content to just look at the pictures and try turning the pages on his own.  One of his favorite books is "Bulldozer."  Mommy can now recite the book without even looking at the words. 
        Bath time is a real experience.  Evan loves to splash around and can get water EVERYWHERE!
        Evan enjoys being in his jumper and playing with the toys, but not jumping yet.  We are trying to teach you how to jump. 
      Also over the past month Evan had his first cold.  It was a rough week and a half, but thankfully you were better by Christmas.  
     Ever wonder what we look like mid sneeze?  Well wonder no more.  Bless you baby!

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