Monday, November 10, 2014

Picking Corn

        Evan & I had a beautiful view from the cab of the tractor the other day.   Derick had two people with semi trailers helping him haul the last of the corn to the elevator, so we ran the grain cart. 

         Evan was a trooper in the cab all afternoon and part of the evening.  He only got fussy once when he was getting hungry, which was amazing after a crabby morning.  We have an outside loving boy.  Who needs baby toys when you can watch corn being picked and the wildlife that scares up.  I will have to say bunnies are not that smart.  Run away from the combine instead of in front of it.
        We only got to unload on the go once since the rows were too short in the back field with ditches.  I have a feeling now that Derick knows we can do it, he will utilize us more next year.  Most of the time we shuttled grain from the combine to the semi tractors by the road. 
         It's hard work helping mommy drive the tractor. 
         By the end of harvest season the combine is getting really dirty.  After today it's back to the shed until another fall comes around.
        We did get the chance to ride in the combine a couple rounds.  I bet Evan will be happy to be out of the Baby Bjorn for awhile.

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