Tuesday, October 7, 2014

3 months

        Our sweet baby boy is three months old already!  With his baby blue eyes he has stolen the heart of anybody who gazes upon him.
         He loves to smile, laugh, and talk to you, a real happy boy.  Being more active came with a bonus, a few nights of uninterrupted sleep.  It was a great birthday treat!
         At three months we are on the verge of moving into our 3-6 month outfits.  The onesies fit alright with room to grow, but our short little legs get lost in those long pants. 
         One of our new discoveries, is our tongue.  It can entertain us for hours.  You can really get him laughing if he watches you play with your tongue. 
       Another recent discovery is our thumb.  The other day while on a walk, he refused the pacifier just to put his thumb in two seconds later.  Oh-no, like mother like son.  He hasn't totally switched though, pacifier still does a better job of putting him to sleep. 
        This week Evan cooperated enough that mommy was able to put away 10 quarts of apples and make some applesauce.  The applesauce will be very handy when Evan starts baby food, which might be sooner than we think.  He loves to watch you eat.  Looking from your silverware to your mouth and back again, he is trying to figure this thing out.

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