Friday, October 31, 2014

4 months old

        Our snuggly dinosaur outfit we wore yesterday on our trip to town.  Even though the picture shows something different, these days we love to chew on our thumb and two fingers, blow bubbles, and sit up so I can look around.  I still have my flat spot, but that is because I refuse to sleep on my other side.  When I get crabby mommy holds me on the top of the couch so I can look outside to see all the fall leaves whirling around. 

       Our little fireman just like daddy.  Thanks Grandma for the onesie!       


    Check out those little socks that were made to look like fireman boots.  How cute!
    Enough, Mommy, I'm done!!!


Repurposed wedding decorations

        For our wedding I made table runners in both green & yellow.  They have been hanging out in tubs in our spare bedroom since then.  Now with a baby we can use all the extra space we need.   I decided to make play dresses for some lucky little girls in my life.    
          Here is my version of Tinkerbell.  The purple was also apart of the décor.  The only thing I didn't have on hand was a little bit of tulle to fluff the skirts up.  After making four copies of this dress, my green stash is much lower and the purple is gone.   

         The yellow ones are my version of Belle from the Beauty and the Beast.  The pink thread adds a little bit of flair around the neckline.   A lot of these had burned holes or candle wax on them.  Therefore my yellow stash was much smaller, so I made only two copies of Belle.
        My grandma had a family reunion this past weekend when I gave three dresses to some cousins.  The youngest was more interested in finding a quiet place to play, but that is why I made her dress a little bigger for when she grows into it and a more interested in playing dress up.  For now it fits her older sister, Anna. 
       It proved to be more challenging than I thought to capture a good picture of both girls in their dresses.  Anna was such a little poser.
         Jenny on the other hand didn't want to stop playing long enough to get a picture.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Birthday treat

         We are getting closer to finishing our big project for the year. 
front porch        check
siding                check
soffit                 check
fascia                check
tin roof             check
shutters         half check
gutters          last on the list...maybe this week
          For my birthday we went out to a simple dinner and picked out some shutters to complete the north side of the house and one for the west side.  Now when my husband's birthday comes around in a couple weeks we will finish the rest of the house. Our house is looking good!

3 months

        Our sweet baby boy is three months old already!  With his baby blue eyes he has stolen the heart of anybody who gazes upon him.
         He loves to smile, laugh, and talk to you, a real happy boy.  Being more active came with a bonus, a few nights of uninterrupted sleep.  It was a great birthday treat!
         At three months we are on the verge of moving into our 3-6 month outfits.  The onesies fit alright with room to grow, but our short little legs get lost in those long pants. 
         One of our new discoveries, is our tongue.  It can entertain us for hours.  You can really get him laughing if he watches you play with your tongue. 
       Another recent discovery is our thumb.  The other day while on a walk, he refused the pacifier just to put his thumb in two seconds later.  Oh-no, like mother like son.  He hasn't totally switched though, pacifier still does a better job of putting him to sleep. 
        This week Evan cooperated enough that mommy was able to put away 10 quarts of apples and make some applesauce.  The applesauce will be very handy when Evan starts baby food, which might be sooner than we think.  He loves to watch you eat.  Looking from your silverware to your mouth and back again, he is trying to figure this thing out.