Friday, June 27, 2014

It's coming along

        It's been two weeks since they started the house.  Siding is done on three sides and the porch is coming along.  It's looking so much better.  A view of the northeast corner of the house.  
        Here's a closer look at our house's makeover.  For the first couple days it was funny to see the neighbors drive by.  Normally cars fly right by our house, but they were going a lot slower to see what we were doing. 
       With anything there is always an oops.  Well here was ours.  We came home from picking out a new front door and found our TV antenna had fallen over.  We thought it was anchored in the ground and the straps on the soffit were just for extra projection.  When the contractors undid the straps the wind took it right on over.  Luckily there was a cable stretching from the other corner of the house that held it off the ground. 
        It ended up being a blessing in disguise.  We were able to take off the two old antennas that didn't work anymore, move the one that does to the top, and anchored it in with concrete so we don't have to worry about it again.  Bonus, we now get CBS all the time.
        The south-side is done too.  I love not having the overhead electrical lines running across the backyard. 
         It's hard to tell in the picture, but this is the downside to buying your siding two years ago and storing it in the back machine shed.  The mice and weather carried mud in between the layers.  After they put up a side I have to wash it down with soap and water.  For one box I tried washing it down before they put it up, but it was even more challenging. 

        Our back door is looking great.  Yesterday my brother and dad stopped by after work to do some electrical work for us.  They installed our doorbell and new light that was my husband's Christmas or maybe it was birthday present two years ago.  On the bottom left corner you can see a spot where we will be putting an electrical outlet in.  The evening just wasn't long enough.  The other door, in case you are wondering, goes to the basement. 
        Meanwhile on the west side my husband and dad ran electrical wires for an outdoor light between the door and window.  Currently we have a makeshift light until the siding gets put up and it can get put into the exact place it will go.  Also, they re-ran the doorbell wires.
        While I was fixing supper it was interesting listening to them try to locate the wires to bring it through the small holes.  Down just a little bit more,  oh I can see it but it is too far to the right, now you are to much to the left, etc.  We are hoping to put an electrical outlet on this side too.   
         One side left to go.  You can see they replaced the old front door and have started framing up the porch. 
         The top of the porch is decking that is made out of recycled plastics.  It is supposed to be maintenance free.
        The small gray rectangle to the right of the porch is our new underground wiring bringing electricity into the house.  Maybe by next weekend the siding will be done so we can focus on roofing and gutters. 

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