Friday, April 18, 2014

Planting 2014

        After a long, cold, and snowy winter, God reminds us that he hasn't and wont forsake us.  Spring is here and it's time begin planting.  My husband worked all morning field cultivating last year's bean field to prepare it for corn this year.  Then after Good Friday services I followed him to the field to get the planter ready. 
          My husband is anxious to get in the field to try out his uncle's planter.  Last fall his uncle purchased a newer planter.  We then purchases his 2003 Kinze 3600, which is basically identical to what we had but 10 years newer and in much better shape. 
       Since my lifting abilities are limited this year, I had plenty of time to snap a few shots while my husband did all the heavy lifting. First he unloads two Channel bags behind each planter box while I open both bags.  Then he will dump one bag in, add graphite powder, add the second bag, and a little more graphite powder.  Meanwhile I help gather all the empty bags up and put them back in the truck.  

        Even though the boxes are full now they will be empty before the field in done.  Time to close the lids and try out the planter. 

        Today the conditions are just about perfect.  The top of the soil has grayed off, but the soil just underneath the surface has moisture present.  You can tell by the dark line left by the marker wheel.  The marker tells a farmer where to drive on the next round so your corn rows have even spacing. 
       Once a few yards are planted, my husband likes to stop and check the seed depth, an inch and a half.  Guess that means all systems are a go. 
        Well I better go. It is now dark and he will be wanting a ride home.  The rest of the 80 acres will have to wait until tomorrow to be planted.  

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