Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter Wonderland

        Yesterday around two the snow started coming down.  The early predictions said we should expect 2.5 to 3 inches. 
         It stopped snowing just a little bit ago.  To my best guess, I'd say we got 9.5 to 10 inches of snow.  It's such a beautiful snow.  The only bad news is my Sunday school class won't get to present their Christmas program tomorrow, because the roads are too bad for everyone to travel for practice today. 
       My husband is out helping the township clear the roads. Since the road commissioner has the snow plow truck, and another guy has the maintainer, he gets the backhoe.  From the sounds of it, he is having all kinds of fun.  He has used the backhoe twice to get himself out of the ditch and is on his way to push the snow plow up a hill. 

   I was supposed to take these pies to church for a funeral dinner, but I'm beginning to think I might not make it there.
           Guess I'll just stay home, listen to Christmas music, do a little Christmas baking, and work on wrapping presents.

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