Thursday, November 21, 2013

Harvest 2013

         Monday, November 11, was the perfect day to finish picking corn.  Our last field we custom harvested for a neighbor.
        It was 20 acres of bottom ground that was planted with a four-wheel drive tractor and a 6 row planter just to make it through the mud this spring.
        It produced some very nice looking ears even with a short growing season.
       By this time in the season, the combine needs some TLC. Look at all that dirt!!
        The corn head picks the ears off the stock and sends it through the combine to shell out the kernels from the cob. 
       After the separation takes place the kernels travel to the hopper, while all the trash flies out the back.
        Ace enjoys riding along. Watching for wild animals that get scared out of their summer resting places.
        Since this field was a mile down a winding lane followed by a steep hill, the semi could not fit back there.  We needed to take the Grain Cart to the field and shuffle the grain to the semi.  
         To stay off the road, we used a neighbor's bean field to fill the semi.
         The auger at the bottom of the grain cart carries the corn out the bottom up a second auger to the semi.
       It doesn't matter what tractor he is in, you better not leave home without Ace.
       We loaded the last semi as the drizzle moved in.  By the time we moved all the equipment home and took the last load to the elevator, it was snowing. 

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