Monday, May 6, 2013

Let the Fun Begin!!

       Here is the last snap shot of our 1950's kitchen, which my husband's grandparents built. 
        Peel & Stick laminate flooring is where the need for remodeling the kitchen started.  The edges and corners were coming up which easily got caught on socks or on the vacuum cleaner. We decided while we were changing the flooring that we should open the kitchen and dinning room up to each other too. 
         We started looking into cabinets back in January through a family friend.  Last week Tuesday, the beautiful walnut cabinets arrived.  Meanwhile we hadn't started demolition of the old kitchen they are smashed into our office/crafts room for now. 
          Friday was another rainy spring day.  My husband who is anxiously awaiting good planting weather decide to start the process alone while I was at work.  Luckily I had stayed up late Monday emptying the majority of the cabinets. 
         I was very surprised when I pulled into the driveway after school to find his sister waiting in the drive for her bridesmaid dress which I hadn't finished altering yet.  Then I walked into the house to find it a mess.  After I finishing a very cute purple dress, I started helping him. 
     Later on a good friend of my husband's stopped by to help.  They started taking out the upper cabinets while I went back to my makeshift sewing room to fix Cole's coat.  A cow had tried to kick him.  As he turned from her flying foot, her hoof caught his pocket and ripped it almost clean off the coat.   
       Along the way we discovered an outlet had been covered up over the years.  Awesome!! This is exactly where I wanted one and should make it a lot easier for it to happen. 
         After talking with my husband's father we found out that his grandmother had once caught something on fire on the stove, scorching the ceramic tile.  They then pulled the tile off and covered the black spot & outlet up with a flower board.  I'm not exactly sure what material it is made from.   
       One long evening later, this is what our kitchen looks like now.  You might be able to tell, these cabinets were built to last. We hope to use them in the basement and on the back porch.
       We already hung one of them on the back porch.  For now it is where I store the few necessary dishes and dry foods.  You can also see we have an old sink back there too.  Using a small tub that will be our sink.
        The rain has stopped and we are back to working at removing sand from the bottom field after a flash flood.  I have a feeling if the weather stays nice, this is as far as the kitchen will get for awhile and I am OK with that.

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