Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Taste of Summer

        Last summer we had a bumper crop of strawberries that are chillin' in the freezer.  We are enjoying all kinds of deliciousness with them like strawberry muffins, angel food cake topped with strawberries, and just plain strawberries.  As we get ready to fill our freezer with meat for the next year, we needed to make some room.   
      Yesterday two quarts of thawed out strawberries turned into four pints and one jelly jar of strawberry jam.  Instead of just crushing the berries I used the food processor to make quick work of it. 
    Next up was my favorite black raspberry jelly. Sadly one quart did not produce enough juice for even half a batch. What do you do when you are in a pinch?  Call Mom.  She didn't have any either, but a few red raspberries worked.  I could have just made jam, but the seeds are a little too much for my taste.     
     Now what would I do with the other half of the pectin box that was open?  There happened to be oranges sitting on the counter.  Why not try orange marmalade.   The next morning that was the jar we opened.  It passed the approval test by everyone, which is surprising because my husband only eats grape jelly from the store.
       What a colorful mixture we will have in the cupboard.

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