Sunday, September 14, 2014

Grape Festival/Rodeo

         All ready to watch the "Pet Parade" Grape Festival weekend.  The Pet Parade is a parade just for the kids.  They decorate their bikes, trikes, wagons, and pets.  Then walk four blocks to City Hall for fun and games. 
        The theme this year was "Set Sail with the 77th Annual Grape Festival." 

         Growing up my parents and McKoons always made a float for us kids.  Now the tradition continues, but for the grand kids instead.  My nephew pulled his brother and Sophie through the whole thing, although he did take a few breaks to enjoy his sucker.  Good job on your first place finish!
        Here is a glimpse of the Sts. Peter and Paul school float.  What an amazing group of teachers and students.  Boy do I miss that place!
         After the parade we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house where Liam decided he wanted to be a baby again like his cousin. 
         At Rodeo Liam got the chance to sit on a horse, although to him every horse is "DeeDee."  DeeDee is his daddy's horse.
        Kade on the other hand got to try out the Fly Gun.  He spent hours trying to kill flies by shooting them. 
     Every fly was able to escape his trigger finger, but their might have been a few innocent bystanders that got hit. 
        Max, the horse, had a big load to haul.  Pony rides were the highlight of the weekend for these kids.  

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