Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome Child of God

         Sunday was a very special day for a very special baby boy.  Evan was welcomed into God family at Immaculate Conception church in Carthage. 
        He followed in the steps of Jesus who was baptized in the Jordan by his cousin John.  Although Jesus did not have the stain of original sin, Evan's soul was wiped clean and is now shining brightly white.
         Evan was wide awake and alert the whole time.  He listened to Father Tony and seemed to understand the importance of what was happening.

        I baptize you in the name of the Father...and of the Son...and of the Holy Spirit....Amen.
         Evan with his grandparents
         Evan with his godparents
        Evan with his great-grandma
        Evan with his great-grandma who couldn't be there on the day, but was with us in spirit.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Grape Festival/Rodeo

         All ready to watch the "Pet Parade" Grape Festival weekend.  The Pet Parade is a parade just for the kids.  They decorate their bikes, trikes, wagons, and pets.  Then walk four blocks to City Hall for fun and games. 
        The theme this year was "Set Sail with the 77th Annual Grape Festival." 

         Growing up my parents and McKoons always made a float for us kids.  Now the tradition continues, but for the grand kids instead.  My nephew pulled his brother and Sophie through the whole thing, although he did take a few breaks to enjoy his sucker.  Good job on your first place finish!
        Here is a glimpse of the Sts. Peter and Paul school float.  What an amazing group of teachers and students.  Boy do I miss that place!
         After the parade we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house where Liam decided he wanted to be a baby again like his cousin. 
         At Rodeo Liam got the chance to sit on a horse, although to him every horse is "DeeDee."  DeeDee is his daddy's horse.
        Kade on the other hand got to try out the Fly Gun.  He spent hours trying to kill flies by shooting them. 
     Every fly was able to escape his trigger finger, but their might have been a few innocent bystanders that got hit. 
        Max, the horse, had a big load to haul.  Pony rides were the highlight of the weekend for these kids.  

Necktie Onesie

         On Saturday in preparation for Evan's very special day, I spiced up his ordinary onesie.  The material was from a small scrap leftover after making a quilt earlier this year.  It literally took 20 minutes to cut two pieces out, reinforce them, fold over the edges, and sew it down. You can't really tell in the picture, but I did not sew the bottom part of the tie to the onesie.  It gives it a more realistic look....especially when Evan holds it while feeding.
         Evan is all ready for church this morning!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Baptismal Gown

        On Sunday Evan will be christened in a family heirloom. Evan's Great-Grandma Rose Koopmann lent us this special outfit for a very special day when he will be welcomed into the family of God. 
         Great-Grandma Rose was telling us this weekend that her sister Mary made this gown.  Mary made it when Great-Grandma's first born was to be baptized.  Since then it has been worn for all of Great-Grandma Rose's 10 children, her 22 grandchildren, and most of her great-grandchildren. This January the dress will be 60 years old.
       The slip on the other hand is even older.  Great-Grand Rose said it was her older brother Georgie Hosch's.  Then when Grandma Hosch passed away she was given it out of her hope chest to be worn under the baptismal gown.  It is 90 years old and looks great besides for a little wear on the shoulder.
        This gown has some beautiful hand sewn details.  I love the hem!
       Evan in Georgie's gown.  If you look closely you can see the additional details under the neckline. 
         It's hard to imagine, but years ago all babies wore gowns until they were two years old. 

         More pictures to come of Evan in the actual baptismal gown after Sunday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

2 months old

         We are such a happy baby these days.  At our 2 month appointment I weighed 11 pounds even and was 20.25 inches long, which puts me in the 22% for weight and 0% for height. 
        I am a mover and a shaker. Even when I am sleeping my arms and legs are always going.  You can hear me grunting in the next room, but my eyes are always shut.  A couple of times I even gave Mommy and Daddy a break by sleeping for six hours at night. 
        Each and every day I am more alert.  When you talk to me I like to smile or coo back.  My favorite thing to look at is ceiling fans. 

Warm & Cuddly

         It's the perfect quick and easy boy blanket for baby Henry Lawrence.  My fabric stash was getting a little out of control.  In an effort to make some room, the only material I purchased to make this blanket was the blue fabric. 
        Baby Henry's mom loves to play the piano so the flannel musical notes material was an excellent choice for the backing. The front blocks are so soft, mommy and baby will love it come winter.