Monday, October 7, 2013

Perfect timing!

        Harvesting takes top priority right now, but Thursday was perfect timing.  Since weatherman forecast included stormy weather and I happened to have the afternoon off, we called my dad to plan a tiling party.  The rain happened to roll in just as I was getting off work.
        We finished the first half at around 10 o'clock that night.  Then Friday while it was still wet and I was at work, my husband finished three more rows.  Now it would be possible to move the fridge up on the tiles to complete the rest of the kitchen.  Saturday my husband and I grouted what we had finished. 
       The weather happened to work out perfectly for us one more time.  Sunday it was cloudy and misty all day while we were visiting my grandma, which meant this morning worked out wonderfully to finish laying them.  They were just about finished when I headed off to work at noon.
        Now, all that's left to do is seal it and paint the front of the heater cover.  They are forecasting rain again this weekend. Maybe we will get base cabinets put in then.

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