Monday, September 12, 2016

Tri-State Rodeo 2016

        Evan enjoyed his first camping experience at the Tri-State Rodeo.   Thursday night rodeo performance was action packed.  Evan watched the whole thing with eyes wide open.  Besides the usual bronc riding, calf roping, barrels and bull riding, there was three dogs with monkeys on their backs herding goats. 

        Friday morning the younger cousins got to play while the older two headed off to school.  Here is a new game invented by Liam called camouflage.  You hide behind the saddles and tack hanging in the trailer before jumping out saying camouflage.  Evan couldn't participate because he was too busy dying of laughter.  Don't worry I didn't get it either, but they sure had fun in the trailer.
        Sophie and Allie saying good morning to Waylon.
        Saturday morning started the real fun for everyone.  My relatives from Northeastern Iowa made it.  It rained during the night, but thankfully stopped in time to saddle up for the rodeo parade.  After a four hour wagon ride for the grandkids filled with a clown hopping in for a block our two to do tricks with the kids, it was lunch and a long overdue nap.  Then church, dinner, and Rodeo.
       Sunday always starts our lazy morning except for these two early risers.  So we threw a log on the fire and kicked back with our favorite cousin and a tractor.
        After a few more kids woke up they decided it was time to get Cale up.  Nothing says good morning like three energized kids hopping into your tent.  Sorry Abbi and welcome to the group.
        While waiting for breakfast the kids turned the water tank and hay bales into a playground complete with a slide. 
       Four little Indians waking the whole campground up I'm sure. rat-a-tat-tat
      Cale and Abbi riding Max.
         Liam practices his roping skills on Uncle Jack. 
       It takes more than one kid to tame this horse though.  
         Evan on the other hand is ready for the real thing.  
     Before pony rides can begin you have to pass the saddle test.  Can you stay on while Jack lifts and twists the "pony." 
      Looks like Liam's pony bucked his off all on his own.
    While Paul was watering the horses Evan got his first ride of the day.
    Horses watered.  Check
       Breakfast ate and dishes done.  Check     Check
       The wait is over.
     It's time to ride the pony.  Evan's turn was last.  All the other kids grabbed the saddle horn first to get their balance.  Evan my watchful observer took the reins.  He knew after watching the grown ups you need the reins to get where you are going. 
    Yee Haw!!
        Lily the pony gets a new home after this weekend.  We are guess around '99 my parents found Lily for my Uncle Jack who was looking for a pony for his kids.  So at Rodeo that year Lily went home with them.  Now that his kids are out in high school and college, he thought it was time to give Lily a new home with kids to ride her.  Kade and Liam are the lucky two. 
       All the excitement was a little too much for Kade.  Time to rest up for round two. 
        Once the pony was put away Evan decided he better practice up.  He kept riding the saddle and practicing getting on and off.  Even through Dad doesn't like horses, there might be a "hay burner" in our future.     

       After riding the kids burned more energy wrestling with Trent.