Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas gifts

         On Black Friday there were some great deals on charm packs of different fabric lines.  A charm pack usually has about 40 - five inch squares of a certain fabric line. I decided to purchase some to play around with the color combos to make some unique table runners. 
         The first table runner was made out of Red, White, and Free fabric by Moda.  I used the five inch squares to create 3 pinwheel blocks tied together with some coordinating red fabric.
       Then I tried out a new sewing foot used for free motion quilting.  It was my first try at free motion quilting...not bad for a first attempt, but room for improvement.
     The next one I tackled used fabric from a line called April Showers by Moda.  The duo that designed this fabric line is a mother and daughter team.  Earlier I used a different line of theirs to create a baby quilt. (Sorry for the poor quality of pictures.  It was a cloudy day, but also Christmas Eve when I finished.  No time to wait for better lighting.)
        Upon closer inspection you notice the turquoise fabric is a raindrop print and the red semi -circle print is actually umbrellas.
      The last one is from the fabric line Elementary.  As you can see, some pieces have the alphabet while others have mathematical equations. 
         I love the color combo of this line!
      The fun part about charm packs and table runners is when you are done with one, you still have plenty leftover to make another one with a different twist.
       Meanwhile my husband was outside playing with our dusting of snow the other day.  Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tummy Time - November 22

     Evan is still not a fan of "Tummy Time."
Any time with Daddy, though, is his favorite.

Evan's giggle


Five Months - November 30

       Our little turkey is five months old.

       He is full of energy and loves to play.  He is now a pro at grasping his rattle and chewing on it or any thing within reach. 

        Come here...just a little closer...I think I can grab your hair.  Yes, he has learned how to pull Mommy's hair or Daddy's beard.
         Looking at this smiling face you can see why he draws everyone to him.  It doesn't matter if we are visiting family, at the grocery store, or in church, he is always trying to get you to interact with him. 

Where did I find his shirt you might ask?  Well I used some scrap material and made an ordinary onesie festive.